

After downloading uniSWF locate the package in your downloads folder and double click on it. After clicking a pop up will display prompting you to import the assets within the unity package, ensure all items are checked and click import.

Step 2

Once imported you will see the uniSWF welcome panel (see picture below). If you do not have the Adobe Air player installed simply click on the Adobe Air Download button this will take you to the Adobe website to get the latest version of Adobe Air, follow the instructions to download and return to unity.

Step 3

Click on the "install now" button to install uniSWF

Step 4

Follow the instructions to install the application, after successful installation uniSWF will automatically load up for the first time.

Step 5

The uniSWF welcome panel will confirm you have successful installed by displaying the text "uniSWF Converter application installed"

Step 6

You are now ready to use uniSWF, check out the uniSWF game examples or visit the website by clicking on the "online docs" button or alternatively visit for tutorials and lots more...